Active Protection Systems
STA's subject matter experts work to protect warfighters by supporting the development of revolutionary automated counterfire systems that defend against RPG's, small-arms fire, and other threats. These systems employ active defense / protection sensing technologies to detect and neutralize deadly threats to our mobile and stationary assets. Mounted on our helicopters or other aircraft, on our tactical vehicles, on our vessels, or at our vulnerable bases and stations, these systems react to incoming threats nearly instantaneously -- detecting, firing at, and terminating threats just before these incoming projectiles have an opportunity to strike their targets.
The particular Active Protection System technologies in which STA's technical staff maintains expertise include:
Mobile automated counterfire systems, including systems protecting helicopters, ground combat vehicles, and tactical vehicles
RPG nets that protect our ground vehicles from RPGs and similar threats​
Iron curtain system to protect ground vehicles from RPGs and similar threats
Helicopter ALert and Threat Termination (HALTT) system to protect helicopters from small-arms, RPGs, and other unguided weapons
STA understands multiple threat detection technologies under this program, along with methods of providing crew awareness to the incoming threats​
Stationary automated counterfire systems
Sensor platforms designed to detect incoming threats (i.e. RPGs) and their trajectories
Counter RPG Shooter System with Highly Accurate Immediate ResponseS (CROSSHAIRS)​
Sensor platforms that operate with sufficient accuracy for automatic weapon cueing, man-in-the-loop retaliatory fire, and effective functioning of an Active Protection System (APS) Countermeasure
Reactive Armor Technologies