Command and Control (C2)
STA assists multiple agencies within the Department of Defense with the development of Command and Control (C2) systems for varying environments. Our Subject Matter Experts have extensive experience developing multiple network and communications technologies that provide the military with the capability to deploy and communicate with each person and device at every level of command and control.
The particular C2 technologies in which STA's Subject Matter Experts maintain expertise include:
Networking technologies, such as:
Mobile Ad hoc Interoperability Networking GATEway (MAINGATE) - Next generation network centric radio system utilizing 1) a backbone radio architecture enabling a versatile internet protocol network and 2) a radio gateway enabling internetworking of legacy analog and digital communications systems
Control-Based Mobile Ad hoc Networking (CBMANET) - Providing wireless networking software (functional components, interfaces, algorithms, and protocols) to be integrated with GFE hardware
Free Space Optical (FSO) and RF internet protocol-based gateway network system for tactical reach-back applications
Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocols and interfaces
Next generation wireless network technologies, allowing for intelligent adaptive wireless networks that are cost-effective, self-healing, and appropriate for highly mobile, dense operations in the tactical environment
Net Enterprise Command Capability (NECC) technical architecture and specifications​​
Software Enable Control (SEC) technologies designed to improve the capabilities of control systems for manned and unmanned aircraft
High productivity computing system technologies capable of supporting advanced C2 systems
Fixed win unmanned air vehicle technologies
Heterogeneous Aerial Reconnaissance Team (HART), utilizing a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach to collecting and disseminating aerial reconnaissance product to warfighters; this technology consolidates, prioritizes, and expedites forward fighters' requests through handheld interfaces to provide the fighters with seamless, real-time delivery of sensor data
Web-based applications allowing for multiple, physically distributed organizations to collaboratively synchronize points involving force movements, ISR support, coordinated engagements, and decision points
DoD and Homeland Security responsiveness methods, designed to increase responsiveness in prevention, deterrence, crisis awareness, crisis response, consequence management, intelligence coordination, force protection enablement, and threat reduction through unity of action across the entire spectrum of DoD and federal responders in Homeland Security actions
Electronics packaging intended to optimize perforance of fire control and missile applications
Autonomous search and targeting algorithms